LANSING, Mich. — Sen. Roger Victory introduced legislation on Thursday to allow certain libraries in Michigan to continue operating as they have successfully done for over 40 years.
A 1955 state law enabled school and township libraries to be established by ordinance or resolution, with the township board or school board acting as the library’s board of directors. That statute was repealed two decades later.
Senate Bill 62 would allow charter townships with libraries established before 1978 to re-establish the libraries by ordinance or resolution.
“Many school and township libraries established before 1978 have been operating in limbo for decades, since their establishing statute no longer exists and there is no clear requirement that they receive state funding,” said Victory, R-Hudsonville. “I am thrilled to be able to work with Representative Luke Meerman to solve a problem that is affecting a number of our local libraries here in Ottawa County.”
Rep. Meerman, R-Polkton Township, has introduced mirror legislation, House Bill 4119, in a shared effort to speed up the legislative process and deliver timely, commonsense solutions.
SB 62 clarifies that libraries established under the law would be eligible for state aid and that a township board would serve as the library’s board of directors.
SB 62 has been referred to the Senate Committee on Local Government for consideration.