Victory urges governor to allow elective medical procedures

Victory urges governor to allow elective medical procedures

LANSING, Mich. — Sen. Roger Victory on Tuesday supported a resolution urging the governor to allow elective procedures in hospitals and to allow health care providers the freedom to determine their capacity to handle the procedures.

“Our doctors and nurses know best how to protect themselves and their patients while still providing needed health care services to Michigan families,” said Victory, R-Hudsonville. “Many of the currently banned elective procedures are important. We’re asking the governor to do the right thing for folks in need of medical services and allow their health care providers to determine if it is safe for them to receive vital care.”

Senate Resolution 111 says that Gov. Whitmer issued Executive Order 2020-17 on March 20, placing temporary restrictions on nonessential medical and dental procedures, defined as those not necessary to address a medical emergency or to preserve the health and safety of a patient.

Victory spoke on the Senate floor during consideration of the resolution about an Ottawa County resident who needs chemotherapy who called his office last week about his treatment center telling him they could not schedule any new chemotherapy treatments due to the governor’s executive order.

“This is about clearing up some of the unintended consequences and confusion about the governor’s executive order,” Victory said. “I’m confident the governor did not intend to stop people from receiving cancer treatments, and I’m sure there are other people in Michigan who are still able to schedule and receive their chemotherapy — but that’s the point. The governor’s orders are so broad and aggressive that they are causing confusion across Michigan for even the most essential of medical services.”


Editor’s note: Video of the senator’s floor statement is available at

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