LANSING, Mich. — Sen. Roger Victory on Friday voted to enact a balanced fiscal year 2023 budget that improves the state’s infrastructure and addresses challenges facing West Michigan families.
“The primary focus of this budget is to support our hometowns by investing in infrastructure and setting aside funding for tax relief for our hardworking families,” said Victory, R-Hudsonville. “Holland Township will receive $20 million for infrastructure upgrades, which will pay dividends well into the future for our local businesses and families.
“The budget also features funding to ensure more food security for our families, allow significant expansion of our local food processing capabilities, and enable our communities to continue to adapt and grow to meet the current and future demands of our local businesses and expand to support additional housing options.”
House Bill 5783 is the general omnibus budget and includes $2.3 billion to help fix local roads and bridges, $1.7 billion to fix state highway roadways and bridges, $110 million for the Going Pro and Michigan Reconnect training programs, $40 million for the Pure Michigan tourism campaign, and funding to train and hire 170 state police troopers and train 800 corrections officers.
“With this budget, we are making historic investments in our local infrastructure protecting our communities, building a stronger economy — while we also set aside resources to provide tax relief to struggling Michigan families,” Victory said.